閻惠昌 YAN Hui-chang(1954年~)
閻惠昌,指揮家、作曲家。現任香港中樂團藝術總監兼終身指揮、上海音樂學院賀綠汀中國音樂高等研究院中國民族管弦樂研究中心主任及指揮系教授、香港演藝學院榮譽院士及訪問學人、西安外事學院老子學院及韓國世翰大學特聘教授、碩士、博士研究生導師,並擔任多間音樂院校客席及特聘教授、中國音樂家協會名譽主席及中國文聯全國委員會理事、陝西省廣播電視民族樂團榮譽音樂總監、台灣國樂團藝術總監、四川音樂學院、廣州星海音樂學院等客座教授;曾任中央民族樂團首席指揮、中國音樂學院客座指揮教授、台灣高雄市實驗國樂團駐團客席指揮。1954年,出生於陝西省渭南市合陽縣楊家莊上窪村;1972年,進陝西藝術學院(即今西安音樂學院)求學,師從王興印、劉大冬;1975年,完成附中課程,受聘留校任戲曲系樂隊教研室主任;1978年,進上海音樂學院民樂指揮專業學習,師從著名指揮家夏飛雲、作曲家胡登跳、何占豪等教授,於 1983 年以優異成績畢業於上海音樂學院;同年,被中央民族樂團聘為樂隊首席指揮兼樂隊藝術指導一職,任期直至1991年;他亦曾獲邀擔任西洋交響樂團指揮,曾合作的包括中國交響樂團、北京交響樂團、上海交響樂團、深圳交響樂團、廣州交響樂團、浙江交響樂團及俄羅斯愛樂管弦樂團等;1992年,移居新加坡;1995年,出任中國台灣高雄市實驗國樂團的駐團客席指揮,任期兩年;1997年,任香港中樂團音樂總監;2000年,出任香港學術評審局評審委員、香港藝術發展局「資助計劃」評審委員及藝術顧問。閻氏亦為活躍作曲家,創作樂曲屢次獲得國家大獎。
YAN Hui-chang (born 1954) is a conductor and composer. He currently serves as the Artistic Director and Conductor for Life of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Director and Professor of the China Traditional Orchestra Research Centre at the He Luting Chinese Music Research Institute, Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Honorary Fellow and Visiting Scholar of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Distinguished Professor at Laozi College, Xi’an International Studies University, and Sehan University in South Korea. He is also a supervisor for master’s and doctoral students and holds guest and honorary professor positions at various music institutions. YAN Hui-chang is the Honorary Chairman of the China Musicians’ Association and a director of the National Committee of the Chinese Writers’ Association. He is the Honorary Music Director of the Shaanxi Broadcasting and Television Traditional Orchestra, Artistic Director of the Taiwan Traditional Chinese Orchestra, and a guest professor at Sichuan Conservatory of Music and Guangzhou Xinghai Conservatory of Music. He previously served as the Chief Conductor of the China Traditional Orchestra, Visiting Conducting Professor at the China Conservatory of Music, and Resident Guest Conductor of the Kaohsiung Experimental Chinese Orchestra in Taiwan.
YAN Hui-chang was born in 1954 in Yangjiazhuang, Heyang County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province. In 1972, he enrolled at the Shaanxi Art College (now Xi’an Conservatory of Music), where he studied under WANG Xing-yin and LIU Da-dong. In 1975, he completed the secondary school curriculum and was appointed as the head of the orchestral department in the opera department. In 1978, he entered the Shanghai Conservatory of Music to study orchestral conducting, under the guidance of renowned conductors XIA Fei-yun, HU Deng-tiao, and HE Zhan-hao. He graduated with excellent results in 1983. In the same year, he was appointed as the Chief Conductor and Artistic Advisor of the China Traditional Orchestra, a position he held until 1991. He has also been invited to conduct symphony orchestras, including the China Philharmonic Orchestra, Beijing Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra, and the Russian Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1992, he moved to Singapore. In 1995, he served as the Resident Guest Conductor of the Kaohsiung Experimental Chinese Orchestra in Taiwan for two years. In 1997, he became the Music Director of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. In 2000, he became a member of the Hong Kong Academic Accreditation Council and served as a reviewer for the Hong Kong Arts Development Council’s funding programs and as an arts consultant. YAN Hui-chang is also an active composer, and his compositions have received numerous national awards.