中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

漢宮秋月:蔣巽風 V4004-V0006
Autumn Moon over the Han Palace, Erhu Solo:JIANG Xun-feng
空山鳥語:宋飛 V4004-V0005
Birds Call in the Mountain, Erhu solo:SONG Fei
幽蘭逢春:馬雲鶴 V5004-V0007
Blossoming Orchid in Spring, Dizi solo:MA Yun-he
水鄉新貌:唐俊喬 V5004-01694
New Look of the Water Village, Dizi solo:TANG Jun-qiao
奔馳在草原上:余占友 V5006-V0009
Galloping on the Grassland, Dizi solo:YU Zhan-you
藍花花敘事曲:詹永明 V5006-V0010
Story of Lanfafa, Dizi solo:ZHANG Yong-ming
鷓鴣飛:陸春齡 V5003-01699
The Flying Partridge, Dizi, solo:LU Chun-ling
劍器 柳琴獨奏:張碧晨 V6L02-V0001
Sword, Liuqin solo:ZHANG Bi-chen
湘影 中阮獨奏 :喻瑩 V6R02-V0002
Memories of Hunan, Ruan solo: YU Ying
昭君怨 揚琴:張高翔 V6Y02-V0004
Misery of Lady Zhaojun, Yangqin solo:ZHANG Gao-xiang
月牙五更 板胡獨奏:霍永剛 V7B04-V0001
Crescent before Dawn, Banhu solo:HUO Yong-gang
夜深沉 京胡獨奏:霍永剛 V7J03-V0003
Profound Night, Jinghu solo:HUO Yong-gang
河南小曲 墜胡獨奏:宋飛 V7M04-04307
古箏伴奏:王中山 A Henan Tune, Zhuihu solo:SONG Fei
晉調 笙獨奏:翁鎮發 V8H02-V0001
Jin Melody, Sheng solo:WENG Zhen-Fa
梁山隨想 嗩吶獨奏:左翼偉 V8S04-V0004
Capriccio of Liang-Shan, Sona:ZUO Yi-wei
月夜思友人 簫獨奏:杜沖 V8X05-V0006
Memorising a friend in a moonlit Night, Xiao solo: DU Chong
老虎磨牙 打擊樂合奏:安志順領奏 V9004-V0005
The Tiger Grinding Its Teeth, Percussion : Led by AN Zhi-shun
鴨子拌嘴 西安鼓樂 V9004-V0006
演奏:安志順、李真貴、陳佐輝、王滿、王以東、朱波Quarrelling Ducks, Xian Drums:Led by AN Zhi-shun
黃河激浪 打擊樂合奏:安源領奏 V9004-V0002
Tides of Yellow River, Percussion led by AN Yuan
鼓鳴盛世 鼓樂合奏:安源等 V9004-V0007
Drums in Propserous Years, Percussion:Led by AN Yuan
東海渔歌 大合奏:飛雲民族樂團 VA104-V0005
指揮:夏飛雲 Fishermens Song in East Sea, Feiyun Chinese Orchestra, conducted by XIA Fei-yun
金蛇狂舞 合奏:東方廣播民族樂團 VA104-V0002
Wild Dance of the Golden Snake, Performed by The Oriental Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra
龍騰虎躍 大合奏:飛雲民族樂團 VA104-V0004
指揮:夏飛霎 Flying Dragons and Leaping Tigers, Feiyun Chinese Orchestra, conducted by XIA Fei-yun
歡樂歌 江南絲竹:陸春齡領奏 VA2J3-V0001
Song of Happiness, Jiangnan music led by LU Chun-ling
春江花月夜 小合奏:呂培原 VA205-V0002
呂培原(琵琶), 張維良(簫), 譚耀宗(二胡), 吳曉紅(古箏), 擊樂(鄭偉滔) Moonlight over the River in Spring, ensemble led by LUI Pui-yuen (pipa)
天涯歌女 小合奏:東方魅力 VA204-V0005
A Wandering Female Singer , ensemble:The Oriental Angels
漁舟唱晚 小合奏 :東方魅力樂團 VA204-V0003
二胡 馬向華, 古箏 常靜 , 簫 李曉潔, 揚琴 王瓏, 琵琶 李佳,2003 婁樹華傳譜/金復載編曲, Evening Song in the Fishing Boat, Ensemble by the Oriental Angels
塞上曲 琵琶獨奏 : 王範地 A2003-01280
On the Frontiers, Pipa solo : WANG Fan-di
普庵咒 琵琶獨奏 : 李廷松 A2003-01752
Pu-an’s Incantation, Pipa solo : Li Ting-song
歌舞引 琵琶獨奏 : 劉桂蓮 A2003-01772
From the Opera, Pipa solo : LIU Gui-lian
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