曹鵬 CAO Peng(1925年12月22日~)
曹鵬,指揮家、教育家。曾擔任上海交響樂團指揮和音樂顧問,上海樂團總監兼首席指揮,上海室內樂團團長兼首席指揮等;還擔任上海音樂學院指揮系碩士生導師,現任上海交通大學交響樂團指揮,上海大學藝術中心藝術總監,上海大學音樂學院名譽院長,上海市南洋模範中學藝術總監及首席指揮和上海市學生交響樂團指揮。1925年12月22日,出生於江蘇省江陰市,又名燦蘊。早年就讀於江陰輔延小學、華墅中學、南菁中學。1944年2月,參加新四軍;1945年10月,隨軍北撤至淮陰,入華中建設大學,後再隨軍北撤至山東臨沂以及渤海; 1947年,進入山東大學文藝系學習;後任部隊文工團指揮;1949年4月,隨華東軍區文工團進駐上海,同年擔任上海電影製片廠樂團隊長兼指揮;1952年,被調往北京電影製片廠樂團。1955年,留學蘇聯,入莫斯科柴可夫斯基音樂學院,期間曾多次舉行交響音樂會,並曾於1960年指揮全蘇廣播樂團舉辦中國作品音樂會,是次為歷史上首次在海外演出的「中國交響音樂作品」專場音樂會,這也是小提琴協奏曲《梁祝》等作品在國外的首次演出。曹鵬曾獲得國務院表演藝術突出貢獻個人、全國文化系統先進工作者、全國最美志願者、全國助殘先進個人、2019感動上海年度人物等各種榮譽。
CAO Peng (December 22, 1925 – )
CAO Peng is a conductor and educator. He has served as the conductor and music advisor of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Director and Chief Conductor of the Shanghai Orchestra, and Concertmaster and Chief Conductor of the Shanghai Chamber Orchestra. He has also been a mentor for graduate students in the Conducting Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Currently, he is the conductor of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Symphony Orchestra, Artistic Director of the Shanghai University Art Center, Honorary Dean of the Shanghai University School of Music, Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Shanghai Nanyang Model High School, and conductor of the Shanghai Student Symphony Orchestra.
CAO Peng was born on December 22, 1925, in Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province, also known as Can Yun. He attended Fu Yan Elementary School, Huashu Middle School, and Nanjing Middle School in his early years. In February 1944, he joined the Eighth Route Army. In October 1945, he retreated north with the army to Huaiyin and enrolled in the Huazhong Construction University. He then continued to retreat with the army to Linyi in Shandong Province and the Bohai region. In 1947, he entered the Department of Arts and Literature at Shandong University. He later became a conductor for the army’s cultural troupe. In April 1949, he joined the East China Military Region’s cultural troupe and was stationed in Shanghai. In the same year, he became the leader and conductor of the Shanghai Film Studio Orchestra. In 1952, he was transferred to the Beijing Film Studio Orchestra. In 1955, he studied in the Soviet Union and enrolled in the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory. During his time there, he held numerous symphony concerts and conducted the first-ever “Chinese Orchestral Works” concert performed by the All-Soviet Union Broadcast Orchestra in 1960. This concert was the first overseas performance of works such as the violin concerto “Butterfly Lovers”. CAO Peng has received various honors, including the Outstanding Contribution Award from the State Council for Performing Arts, National Advanced Worker in the Cultural System, National Most Beautiful Volunteer, National Advanced Individual in Assisting the Disabled, and the 2019 Touching Shanghai Figure, among others.