彭修文 (1931.2.7 ~ 1996.12.28)
彭修文,指揮家、作曲家、演奏家、活動家。原中國廣播民族樂團團長、中國音樂家協會常務理事、民族音樂委員會副主任、中國民族管弦樂學會首任會長、中國廣播藝術團藝術指導。湖北省武漢市人,1931年2月7日出生於漢口,7歲從叔父學胡琴,後師從劉澤隆、何軼群先生學習琵琶和小提琴,1944年,就讀四川江津國立九中,師從二胡演奏家、教育家瞿安華先生。1946年,在重慶求精商業專科學校求學期間,參加當地廣播電台國樂團的演奏活動。1950年,進入重慶西南人民廣播電台任文藝組編輯。1952年調入中央人民廣播電台文藝部;翌年,為該台民族管弦樂團創立後首批演奏員,演奏二胡與琵琶。同時,擔任該團民間音樂整理小組組長,從此踏上探索、實踐、發展中國民族音樂的艱辛的藝術道路。1957年,在莫斯科第六屆世界青年聯歡節上,他和中國廣播民族樂團演奏的《春江花月夜》和《關山月》,獲得金質獎章。1963年,創作民樂合奏《燕山晚秋》;1979年,創作交響音詩《流水操》,二胡協奏曲《不屈的蘇武》;1984年,創作民族管弦樂幻想曲《秦•兵馬俑》。1986年8月,與朴東生、秦鵬章等籌建中國民族管弦樂協會,擔任兩屆會長。1987年,被評為國家一級指揮。1990年,指揮中國廣播民族樂團錄製《春江花月夜》專輯,遂獲中國唱片總公司“金唱片”獎。1992年,獲中國唱片總公司“金唱片獎 – 指揮特別獎”。1996年12月28日,彭修文因肝病搶救無效在北京與世長辭。
PENG Xiu-wen (February 7, 1931 ~ December 28, 1996)
PENG Xiu-wen was a conductor, composer, performer, and activist. He served as the former conductor of the China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra, Executive Director of the Chinese Musicians’ Association, Deputy Director of the National Music Committee, the inaugural President of the Chinese Traditional Orchestra Society, and Artistic Director of the China Broadcasting Art Troupe. He was born in Wuhan, Hubei Province, on February 7, 1931, in Hankou. At the age of 7, he learned the huqin (a traditional Chinese string instrument) from his uncle. Later, he studied pipa and violin under Mr. LIU Ze-long and Mr. HE Yi-qun. In 1944, while attending the Ninth Middle School in Jiangjin, Sichuan, he studied under the erhu performer and educator Mr. QU An-hua.
In 1946, during his studies at the Chongqing Qiu Jing Commercial College, he participated in performances with the local radio orchestra. In 1950, he joined the Literary and Artistic Department of the Southwest People’s Radio Station in Chongqing. In 1952, he was transferred to the Literary and Artistic Department of the Central People’s Radio Station. The following year, he became one of the founding members of the Chinese Orchestra of the Central People’s Radio Station, playing the erhu and pipa. At the same time, he served as the head of the folk music organizing group of the orchestra, embarking on the arduous artistic path of exploring, practicing, and developing Chinese ethnic music.
In 1957, at the 6th World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow, he and the China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra performed “Moonlight over the River in Spring” and “Moon over the Fortified Pass”, winning the Golden Medal. In 1963, he composed the orchestral suite “Autumn in Yanshan.” In 1979, he created the symphonic poem “Flowing Water ” and the erhu concerto “Indomitable Su Wu”. In 1984, he composed the orchestral fantasy “Qin – Terracotta Warriors and Horses”.
In August 1986, PENG Xiu-wen, along with PIAO Dong-sheng and QIN Peng-zhang, established the Chinese Ethnic Orchestra Society and served as its president for two terms. In 1987, he was recognized as a National First-Class Conductor. In 1990, he conducted the China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra in recording the album ” Moonlight over the River in Spring” which won the “Gold Disc” award from China Record Corporation. In 1992, he received the “Gold Disc Award – Special Conductor Award” from China Record Corporation. PENG Xiu-wen passed away on December 28, 1996, in Beijing.