2 | 壯別 | —> | Heroic Parting | Orchestra | The Chinese Orchestra of Shanghai Opera House | - | AA102-00741 | |
2 | 序曲(選自舞劇《小刀會》) | —> | Overture(From the Dance Opera “Knife Society”) | Orchestra | The Chinese Orchestra of Shanghai Opera House、指揮:郭明 | - | AA102-00407 | |
2 | 春秋 | —> | Chun Qiu | Orchestra | National Traditional Orchestra of China、台北市立國樂團、指揮:陳中申 | - | AA102-00828 | |
2 | 女媧 | —> | Goddess Nuwa | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 潘耀田 | AA102-01438 | |
2 | 天網 | —> | The Celestial Web | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 陳瑞獻、羅偉倫 | AA102-01452 | |
2 | 春曉 | —> | Spring Dawn | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 周煜國 | AA102-01453 | |
2 | 醒獅 | —> | Awaking Lion | Orchestra | 廣東音樂團 | LU Wen-cheng | AA102-03314 | |
2 | 喜悅 | —> | Jubilance | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra、曹鵬 | 顧冠仁 | AA102-02104 | |
2 | 行街 | —> | walking in the street | Orchestra | 中國音樂學院華夏民族樂團、關迺忠 | Jiangnan music | AA102-02733 | |
2 | 採花 | —> | Picking flowers | Orchestra | Xian Conservatory Chinese Orchestra、閻惠昌 | LU Ri-ron | AA102-02767 | |
2 | 賽馬 | —> | Horse racing | Orchestra | Feiyun Chinese Orchestra、夏飛雲 | 顧冠仁 | AA102-01660 | |
2 | 三六 | —> | San Liu | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra | 江南民間樂曲、顧冠仁 | AA102-01971 | |
3 | 將軍令 | —> | General’s Order | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra | - | AA103-A0002 | |
3 | 闖將令 | —> | The Theme of the Pioneers | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra | - | AA103-00408 | |
3 | 闖將令 | —> | The Theme of the Pioneers | Orchestra | Chinese Orchestra of Shanghai Conservatory、指揮:夏飛雲 | - | AA103-00404 | |
3 | 月兒高 | —> | The Moon is High | Orchestra | Performed by China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra | - | AA103-A0004 | |
3 | 剽牛祭 | —> | The Rite of Ox Killing | Orchestra | National Traditional Orchestra of China、台北市立國樂團、指揮:陳中申 | - | AA103-00827 | |
3 | 光明行 | —> | March towards Brightness | Orchestra | National Traditional Orchestra of China、指揮:胡炳旭 | - | AA103-01343 | |
3 | 金沙灘 | —> | The Golden Sand Beach | Orchestra | National Traditional Orchestra of China、指揮:胡炳旭 | - | AA103-01342 | |
3 | 將軍令 | —> | General’s March | Orchestra | Orchestra of Sichuan Music and Dance Troupe、指揮:朱祟志 | - | AA103-00410 | |
3 | 紫竹調 | —> | Purple Bamboo Tune | Orchestra | The Traditional Orchestra of the Dance and Opera House of Jiangsu Province | - | AA103-00735 | |
3 | 大得勝 | —> | Grand Victory | Orchestra | Chinese Orchestra of Jinan Progressive Music and Dance Troupe | - | AA103-A0001 | |
3 | 迎親人 | —> | Welcome my Relatives | Orchestra | Chinese Orchestra of Jinan Progressive Music and Dance Troupe | - | AA103-A0008 | |
3 | 喜迎春 | —> | Welcoming the Season of Spring | Orchestra | Chinese Orchestra of Jinan Progressive Music and Dance Troupe、指揮:王惠然 | - | AA103-00283 | |
3 | 昭君別 | —> | The Departure of Zhao-jun | Orchestra | Chinese Orchestra of Jinan Progressive Music and Dance Troupe、指揮:王惠然 | - | AA103-00282 | |
3 | 光明行 | —> | March towards Brightness | Orchestra | Performed by China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra | 劉天華、彭修文 | AA103-01010 | |
3 | 八段景 | —> | Eight Scenes | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 朱昌耀、王愛康 | AA103-01435 | |
3 | 將軍令 | —> | The Song of the General | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 古曲、顧冠仁 | AA103-01441 | |
3 | 廣陵散 | —> | Guangling San | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 吳文光、王寧 | AA103-01437 | |
3 | 喜迎春 | —> | The Joy of Spring | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 郭亨基 | AA103-01451 | |
3 | 紫竹調 | —> | Purple Bamboo Tune | Orchestra | 浙江歌舞劇院民族樂團 | - | AA103-03313 | |
3 | 連環扣 | —> | Chain of Rings | Orchestra | 廣東音樂團 | 嚴老烈 | AA103-03319 | |
3 | 四季調 | —> | Tune of Four Seasons | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra | 青海民歌 | AA103-03320 | |
3 | 幸福年 | —> | Fortunate Year | Orchestra | performed by Chinese Movie Philharmonic Orchestra and Traditional Orchestra | LIU Ming-yuan | AA103-03322 | |
3 | 小夜曲 | —> | Serenade | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra、曹鵬 | 舒伯特、顧冠仁 | AA103-02107 | |
3 | 黑眼睛 | —> | Dark Eyes | Orchestra | Oriental Angels Ensemble | Ron Korb | AA103-03748 | |
3 | 夜深沉 | —> | Night is Deep | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra | - | AA103-03774 | |
3 | 喜洋洋 | —> | Festive Joy | Orchestra | performed by Chinese Movie Philharmonic Orchestra and Traditional Orchestra | LIU Ming-yuan | AA103-03782 | |
3 | 紫竹調 | —> | Purple Bamboo Tune | Orchestra | performed by Chinese Movie Philharmonic Orchestra and Traditional Orchestra | - | AA103-03794 | |
3 | 姑蘇情 | —> | Gu Su Qing | Orchestra | 江蘇省歌舞劇院 | ZHU Chang-yao | AA103-03805 | |
3 | 歡樂歌 | —> | Song of happiness | Orchestra | 中國音樂學院華夏民族樂團、關迺忠 | Jiangnan music | AA103-02730 | |
3 | 江南行 | —> | trip to Jiangnan | Orchestra | 中國音樂學院華夏民族樂團、關迺忠 | 杜小甦 | AA103-02732 | |
3 | 合歡令 | —> | Jopfulness | Orchestra | Xian Conservatory Chinese Orchestra、魯日融 | 魯日融、趙季平 | AA103-02753 | |
3 | 江南好 | —> | Nice Jiangnan | Orchestra | 江蘇省歌舞劇院 | 江南民間樂曲、瞿春泉 | AA103-01958 | |
4 | 大鼓涼傘 | —> | Big Drums under the Sun Shades | Orchestra | The Chinese Orchestra of Shanghai Opera House | - | AA104-00739 | |
4 | 花香鼓舞 | —> | Drum Dance among Fragrant Blossoms | Orchestra | The Chinese Orchestra of Shanghai Opera House | - | AA104-00740 | |
4 | 娛樂昇平 | —> | Joy and Happiness | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra | - | AA104-00732 | |
4 | 花好月圓 | —> | The Flowers Blossoms in the Full Moon | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra | - | AA104-00736 | |
4 | 東海漁歌 | —> | Fishermen’s Song on Eastern Sea | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra、指揮:何無奇 | - | AA104-00412 | |
4 | 月芽五更 | —> | Crescent before Dawn | Orchestra | Performed by China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra | - | AA104-A0005 | |
4 | 花好月圓 | —> | The Flowers Blossom in the Full Moon | Orchestra | Performed by China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra | - | AA104-A0007 | |
4 | 妝臺秋思 | —> | Autumn Meditation | Orchestra | Performed by China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra | - | AA104-00731 | |
4 | 彩雲追月 | —> | Coloured Clouds Trailing the Moon | Orchestra | Performed by China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra | - | AA104-00733 | |
4 | 阿細跳月 | —> | Dance of the A-Xi Tribe | Orchestra | Performed by China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra | - | AA104-A0009 | |
4 | 北將軍令 | —> | The Northern General’s March | Orchestra | 中央歌劇院民族管弦樂團、指揮:劉洙 | - | AA104-00409 | |
4 | 瑤族舞曲 | —> | Dance of the Yao People | Orchestra | National Traditional Orchestra of China, 指揮:胡炳旭 | - | AA104-00738 | |
4 | 巨龍騰飛 | —> | The Flying of the Dragon | Orchestra | National Traditional Orchestra of China、台北市立國樂團、指揮:陳中申 | - | AA104-00826 | |
4 | 易之隨想 | —> | Capriccio on I Ching | Orchestra | National Traditional Orchestra of China、台北市立國樂團、指揮:陳中申 | - | AA104-00829 | |
4 | 漁舟凱歌 | —> | The Triumphant Song of Fishermen | Orchestra | National Traditional Orchestra of China、指揮:胡炳旭 | - | AA104-01340 | |
4 | 金蛇狂舞 | —> | Wild Dance of the Golden Snake | Orchestra | The Traditional Orchestra of the Dance and Opera House of Jiangsu Province | Folk music | AA104-00737 | |
4 | 錢塘江畔 | —> | By the Qiantang River | Orchestra | Folk Music and Dance Troupe of Zhejiang Province、ZHAO Yi | - | AA104-00405 | |
4 | 水庫凱歌 | —> | Celebration at the Reservoir | Orchestra | Chinese Orchestra of Jinan Progressive Music and Dance Troupe、ZHAO Xing-ru、DONG Hong-de | - | AA104-00411 | |
4 | 南疆月夜 | —> | Moonlit Night at the Southern Frontiers | Orchestra | Chinese Orchestra of Jinan Progressive Music and Dance Troupe、指揮:王惠然 | - | AA104-00279 | |
4 | 四季花開 | —> | Blooming for Four Seasons | Orchestra | Chinese Orchestra of Jinan Progressive Music and Dance Troupe、指揮:王惠然 | - | AA104-00284 | |
4 | 宮燈樂舞 | —> | Music and Dance in the Splendid Palace | Orchestra | Chinese Orchestra of Jinan Progressive Music and Dance Troupe、指揮:王惠然 | - | AA104-00281 | |
4 | 雪山凱歌 | —> | Song of Celebration on the Snowy Mountain | Orchestra | Chinese Orchestra of Jinan Progressive Music and Dance Troupe、指揮:王惠然 | - | AA104-00280 | |
4 | 雁落平沙 | —> | Wild Geese Landing on Smooth Sands | Orchestra | CHEN Tian-shou 嗩吶領奏 | Folk music | AA104-00406 | |
4 | 望月聽風 | —> | Listening to the Wind Singing under the Bright Moonlight | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 鍾耀光 | AA104-01448 | |
4 | 春來懷古 | —> | A Spring Reminiscence of the Ancient Past | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 郭亨基 | AA104-01450 | |
4 | 八仙慶壽 | —> | The Eight Immortals Celebrating Birthday | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 吳華 | AA104-01443 | |
4 | 胡騰舞曲 | —> | The Huteng Ballad | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 何占豪 | AA104-01444 | |
4 | 嘎達梅林 | —> | Ga Da Mei Lin | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 辛滬光、劉文金 | AA104-01439 | |
4 | 絲綢之路 | —> | Silk Road | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 姜瑩 | AA104-01447 | |
4 | 天山盛會 | —> | Grand Gathering on Tianshan Mountain | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra、曹鵬 | 顧冠仁 | AA104-02113 | |
4 | 阿細跳月 | —> | A Xi Tiao Yue | Orchestra | Performed by China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra | 彭修文 | AA104-03791 | |
4 | 月芽五更 | —> | Crescent before Dawn | Orchestra | Performed by China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra | 彭修文 | AA104-03797 | |
4 | 雨打芭蕉 | —> | Raindrops on the Banana Leaves | Orchestra | Central Conservatory、YANG Yuan-heng, etc. | 方漢 | AA104-03804 | |
4 | 長安社火 | —> | Festival in Changan | Orchestra | Xian Conservatory Chinese Orchestra、魯日融 | 趙季平、魯日融 | AA104-02754 | |
4 | 玄奘祭祀 | —> | Xuanzang worship | Orchestra | | LU Ri-ron | AA104-02757 | |
4 | 阿細跳月 | —> | A Xi Tiao Yue | Orchestra | Performed by China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra | 阿細族樂曲、彭修文 | AA104-01956 | |
5 | 春江花月夜 | —> | Moonlight over the River in Spring | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra | - | AA105-A0003 | |
5 | 春江花月夜 | —> | Moonlight over the River in Spring | Orchestra | Performed by China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra | - | AA105-00729 | |
5 | 翻身的日子 | —> | Day of Relief | Orchestra | Performed by China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra | - | AA105-00734 | |
5 | 翻身的日子 | —> | Day of Relief | Orchestra | performed by Chinese Movie Philharmonic Orchestra and Traditional Orchestra | - | AA105-A0006 | |
5 | 秦王破陣樂 | —> | The King of Qin in Battle | 鼓吹與樂隊 | Chinese Orchestra of Jinan Progressive Music and Dance Troupe、指揮:王惠然 | - | AA105-00285 | |
5 | 黃河隨想曲 | —> | Yellow River Capriccio | Orchestra | Chinese Orchestra of Jinan Progressive Music and Dance Troupe、指揮:王惠然 | - | AA105-00278 | |
5 | 雅美族之歌 | —> | The Song of the Yamei Tribute | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 劉學軒 | AA105-01440 | |
5 | 抒情變奏曲 | —> | Lyrical Variations | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 劉長遠 | AA105-01449 | |
5 | 金色的晚秋 | —> | A Golden Night in Late Autumn | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 周成龍 | AA105-01446 | |
5 | 歡樂的少年 | —> | Joyful Juveniles | Orchestra | 上海市學生藝術團民樂一團(長寧區少年宮)、中國福利會少年宮東方小伙伴藝術團民樂團、顧冠仁 | 曹元德、馬聖龍 | AA105-01470 | |
5 | 雷鋒隨想曲 | —> | Fantasy on Lei Feng | Orchestra | 上海市學生藝術團民樂一團(長寧區少年宮)、中國福利會少年宮東方小伙伴藝術團民樂團、顧冠仁 | 曹元德、馬聖龍 | AA105-01471 | |
5 | 滇池圓舞曲 | —> | Waltz in Dianchi | Orchestra | performed by Chinese Movie Philharmonic Orchestra and Traditional Orchestra | 袁浩 | AA105-03315 | |
5 | 達姆 達姆 | —> | Darm Darm | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra、曹鵬 | 阿爾及利亞樂曲、彭修文 | AA105-02110 | |
5 | 雷電波爾卡 | —> | Thunder and Electricity Polka | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra、曹鵬 | 斯特勞斯、顧冠仁 | AA105-02114 | |
5 | 小刀會 序曲 | —> | Overture (from the Dance-Opera Knife Society) | Orchestra | The Chinese Orchestra of Shanghai Opera House | 商易 | AA105-03808 | |
5 | 山村的節日 | —> | Festival in the village | Orchestra | 中國音樂學院華夏民族樂團、關迺忠 | 劉文金 | AA105-02723 | |
5 | 春江花月夜 | —> | Moonlight over the River in Spring | Orchestra | 中國音樂學院華夏民族樂團、關迺忠 | - | AA105-02731 | |
5 | 沙迪爾傳奇 | —> | Legend of Shadier | Orchestra | Feiyun Chinese Orchestra、夏飛雲 | 劉湲 | AA105-01651 | |
6 | 絲絲淚‧三疊愁 | —> | Tears and Triple Sadness | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 王粵生、胡文森、李助忻 | AA106-01442 | |
6 | 吐魯番的金秋 | —> | The Golden Autumn in Tulufan | Orchestra | 上海市學生藝術團民樂一團(長寧區少年宮)、中國福利會少年宮東方小伙伴藝術團民樂團、顧冠仁 | 曹元德、傅沛華 | AA106-01472 | |
7 | 嘎達梅林交響詩 | —> | Gada Meilin | Orchestra | National Traditional Orchestra of China、指揮:胡炳旭 | - | AA107-01348 | |
7 | 青山綠水高山青 | —> | Green Mountain, Blue Water | Orchestra | National Traditional Orchestra of China、指揮:胡炳旭 | - | AA107-01341 | |
7 | 八千里路雲和月 | —> | Marching Through Eight Thousand Miles Under Moonlight with Clouds | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 陳能濟 | AA107-01445 | |
7 | 蘋果花開的時候 | —> | When Will Apple Flowers Bloom | Orchestra | performed by Chinese Movie Philharmonic Orchestra and Traditional Orchestra | 石夫 | AA107-03321 | |
7 | 秦腔主題隨想曲 | —> | capriccio of Qin melody | Orchestra | Xian Conservatory Chinese Orchestra、魯日融 | 趙震霄、魯日融 | AA107-02752 | |
7 | 祖國 – 我們的搖籃 | —> | Motherland – You’re Our Cradle | Orchestra | 上海市學生藝術團民樂一團(長寧區少年宮)、中國福利會少年宮東方小伙伴藝術團民樂團、顧冠仁 | 曹元德、傅沛華 | AA107-01469 | |
9 | 絲綢之路幻想曲-第三樂章 | —> | Silk Road Fantasy : Third Movement | Orchestra | National Traditional Orchestra of China、指揮:胡炳旭 | - | AA109-01345 | |
9 | 絲綢之路幻想曲-第二樂章 | —> | Silk Road Fantasy : Second Movement | Orchestra | National Traditional Orchestra of China、指揮:胡炳旭 | - | AA109-01344 | |
9 | 絲綢之路幻想曲-第五樂章 | —> | Silk Road Fantasy : Fifth Movement | Orchestra | National Traditional Orchestra of China、指揮:胡炳旭 | - | AA109-01346 | |
A | 西北組曲/第一樂章:老天爺下甘雨、第四樂章:石板腰鼓 | —> | Northwest Suiute / First Movement : The Timely Rain Fall from the High Heaven、Fourth Movement : The Sidedrum in Stoneplate Form | Orchestra | Shanghai Chinese Orchestra、曹鵬 | 譚盾 | AA10A-02102 | |
A | 憶 – 《大漠孤煙直組曲》第四樂章 | —> | Memories (The 4th Movement of The Desert Smoke Suite) | Orchestra | 演藝學院中樂團 | 趙季平 | AA10A-01434 | |