1 | 春 | —> | Spring | Banhu solo | LIU Ming-yuan、伴奏:中國音樂學院民族樂隊 | - | A7B01-00137 |
1 | 夏 | —> | Summer | Banhu solo | LIU Ming-yuan、伴奏:中國音樂學院民族樂隊 | - | A7B01-00138 |
1 | 秋 | —> | Autumn | Banhu solo | LIU Ming-yuan、伴奏:中國音樂學院民族樂隊 | - | A7B01-00139 |
1 | 冬 | —> | Winter | Banhu solo | LIU Ming-yuan、伴奏:中國音樂學院民族樂隊 | - | A7B01-00140 |
2 | 對花 | —> | Music to the Melody Duihua | Banhu solo | LIU Ming-yuan、伴奏:中國音樂學院民族樂隊 | - | A7B02-00133 |
3 | 大起板 | —> | Grand Overture | Banhu solo | LIU Xiang、伴奏:中央民族樂團 | - | A7B03-00318 |
4 | 葡萄熟了 | —> | Grapes Getting Ripe | Reformed Erhu solo | SONG Fei | - | A7B04-00936 |
4 | 大姑娘美 | —> | Beautiful Girl | Banhu solo | JIANG Ke-mei | - | A7B04-A0001 |
4 | 月芽五更 | —> | Crescent before Dawn | Banhu solo | SHEN Chen | - | A7B04-A0002 |
4 | 山東小曲 | —> | A Shangdong Tune | Banhu solo | YUAN Ye | - | A7B04-A0003 |
4 | 春城節日 | —> | Festival in Changchun | Banhu solo | ZHOU Qi-chang | - | A7B04-A0004 |
4 | 春風楊柳 | —> | Spring Willow in the Wind | Banhu solo | CHAO Dong-xu | - | A7B04-A0005 |
5 | 秦腔牌子曲 | —> | The Tunes of Shaanxi Opera | Banhu solo | LIU Ming-yuan、伴奏:中國音樂學院民族樂隊 | - | A7B05-00131 |
5 | 豐收馬鈴響 | —> | The Harvest Horse Bells | Banhu solo | LIU Ming-yuan、伴奏:中國音樂學院民族樂隊 | - | A7B05-00135 |
5 | 哥哥回來了 | —> | My Brother is Back | Banhu solo | SONG Fei | - | A7B05-00940 |
5 | 河北花梆子 | —> | Hebei Huabangzi | Banhu solo | YAN Shao-yi | - | A7B05-A0006 |
7 | 紅軍哥哥回來了 | —> | My Brother is Back | Banhu solo | ZHANG Chang-cheng | - | A7B07-A0007 |
2 | 琴詩 | —> | The Poem on Qin | Gaohu solo | YU Qi-wei、伴奏:上海電影民族樂團、指揮:黃建偉 | - | A7G02-00745 |
2 | 粵魂 | —> | Gaohu Concerto : Guangdong Spirit | Gaohu solo | YU Qi-wei、伴奏 :中國廣播交響樂團、指揮:徐新 | - | A7G02-00749 |
2 | 對花 | —> | Dui Hua | Gaohu solo | TANG Yu-bin | - | A7G02-01895 |
3 | 齊破陣 | —> | Breaking up the Battle Arrays | Gaohu solo | YU Qi-wei、伴奏:廣東民族樂團、指揮:施明新 | - | A7G03-00742 |
3 | 雙聲恨 | —> | Double Woe | Gaohu solo | ZHU Hai | - | A7G03-01892 |
3 | 楊翠喜 | —> | Yang Cuixi | Gaohu solo | LOO Kah-chi | - | A7G03-01893 |
4 | 鄉間小景 | —> | Landscape of the Countryside | Gaohu solo | YU Qi-wei、伴奏:廣東民族樂團、指揮:施明新 | - | A7G04-00746 |
4 | 村間小童 | —> | Childhood in the Countryside | Gaohu solo | YU Qi-wei、伴奏:廣東民族樂團、指揮:施明新 | - | A7G04-00747 |
4 | 田間小唱 | —> | Singing in the Fielf | Gaohu solo | YU Qi-wei、伴奏:廣東民族樂團、指揮:施明新 | - | A7G04-00748 |
4 | 平湖秋月 | —> | Autumn Moon and Peaceful Lake | Gaohu solo | SONG Fei | - | A7G04-00942 |
4 | 平湖秋月 | —> | Autumn Moon on Quiet Lake | Gaohu solo | LU Wen-cheng | - | A7G04-01890 |
4 | 春到田間 | —> | Spring Comes to the Country | Gaohu solo | LIU Tian-yi | - | A7G04-01891 |
3 | 夜深沉 | —> | Deep in the Night | Jinghu solo | JIANG Ke-mei、伴奏:中國廣播民族樂團、指揮:雨霖 | - | A7J03-00320 |
3 | 夜深沉 | —> | Profound Night | Jinghu solo | LI Mu-liang | - | A7J03-01888 |
3 | 京郊行 | —> | Outskirts of Beijing | Jinghu solo | JIANG Ke-mei | - | A7J03-01889 |
5 | 西皮小開門 | —> | Xiao Kaimen | Jinghu solo | YANG Bao-zhong | - | A7J05-01887 |
2 | 悲歌 | —> | Song of Melancholy | Bow Strings Ensemble | Chinese Youth Bow-String Orchestra、指揮:劉順 | - | A7M02-01492 |
2 | 彈樂 | —> | Music for Pluck Strings | Bow Strings Ensemble | Chinese Youth Bow-String Orchestra、指揮:劉順 | - | A7M02-01493 |
2 | 月夜 | —> | Moonlit Night | Bow Strings Ensemble | Chinese Youth Bow-String Orchestra、指揮:劉順 | - | A7M02-01494 |
2 | 影調 | —> | Shadow Play Tunes | Bow Strings Ensemble | Chinese Youth Bow-String Orchestra、指揮:劉順 | - | A7M02-01495 |
2 | 聽松 | —> | Listening to the Pines | Bow Strings Ensemble | Chinese Youth Bow-String Orchestra、指揮:劉順 | - | A7M02-01497 |
3 | 新春樂 | —> | Happy New Year | Zhuihu solo | MA Guang-lu、The China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra | - | A7M03-00322 |
3 | 滿江紅 | —> | The River Is Red | Double Nut Erhu solo | ZHOU Yao-kun、伴奏:中央音樂學院民族管弦樂隊、指揮:王甫建 | - | A7M03-00324 |
3 | 陶愛格 | —> | Tao Aige, A Feeding Song | Matouqin solo | LI Bo、伴奏:上海室內交響樂團 | - | A7M03-00688 |
3 | 蒙古馬 | —> | Mongolian Horses | Matouqin solo | LI Bo、伴奏:上海室內交響樂團 | - | A7M03-00689 |
3 | 烏尤黛 | —> | Wuyoudai, the Beautiful Girls | Matouqin solo | LI Bo、伴奏:上海室內交響樂團 | - | A7M03-00693 |
3 | 病中吟 | —> | Sigh of Ailment | Bow Strings Ensemble | Chinese Youth Bow-String Orchestra、指揮:劉順 | - | A7M03-01489 |
3 | 流波曲 | —> | Roaming in Life | Bow Strings Ensemble | Chinese Youth Bow-String Orchestra、指揮:劉順 | - | A7M03-01490 |
3 | 閒居吟 | —> | Life in Leisure | Bow Strings Ensemble | Chinese Youth Bow-String Orchestra、指揮:劉順 | - | A7M03-01498 |
3 | 八大錘 | —> | Ba Da Chui | Lei-qin solo | WANG Dian-yu | - | A7M03-01911 |
3 | 柳葉錦 | —> | Liu Ye Jin | Sihu solo | BAI Feng-yan | - | A7M03-01913 |
4 | 萬馬奔騰 | —> | Horses Galloping | Matouqin solo | Burentegusi、伴奏:中國廣播民族樂團、指揮:雨霖 | - | A7M04-00323 |
4 | 醉翁撈月 | —> | A Drunkard Drags the Moon out of the Water | Bamboo huqin solo | YU Qi-wei、伴奏:廣東民族樂團粵樂小組 | - | A7M04-00744 |
4 | 娛樂昇平 | —> | Sing and Dance in Peaceful Times | Erxian solo | SONG Fei | - | A7M04-00938 |
4 | 河南小曲 | —> | Tune of Henan | Zhuihu solo | SONG Fei | - | A7M04-00939 |
4 | 空山鳥語 | —> | Birds Chirping in the Mountains | Bow Strings Ensemble | Chinese Youth Bow-String Orchestra、指揮:劉順 | - | A7M04-01488 |
4 | 二泉映月 | —> | Reflection of the Moon on Lake Erquan | Bow Strings Ensemble | Chinese Youth Bow-String Orchestra、指揮:劉順 | - | A7M04-01491 |
4 | 燭影搖紅 | —> | Red Candle Flickering in Wind | Bow Strings Ensemble | Chinese Youth Bow-String Orchestra、指揮:劉順 | - | A7M04-01496 |
4 | 笙管合奏 | —> | Combination of Sheng and Guan | Lei-qin solo | HAN Feng-tian | - | A7M04-01912 |
4 | 皮影牌子 | —> | Shadow Tune | Sihu solo | LIU Jun | - | A7M04-01914 |
5 | 朝格温都爾 | —> | Chaogewendur the High Mountain | Matouqin solo | LI Bo、伴奏:上海室內交響樂團 | - | A7M05-00687 |
5 | 孤獨的駝羔 | —> | A Lonely Baby Camel | Matouqin solo | LI Bo、伴奏:上海室內交響樂團 | - | A7M05-00690 |
6 | 馬頭琴的傳說 | —> | The Tale of Matou Qin | Matouqin solo | LI Bo、伴奏:上海室內交響樂團 | - | A7M06-00686 |
6 | 錫林格勒隨想 | —> | Fantasy on the Xilinggele Prairie | Matouqin solo | LI Bo、伴奏:上海室內交響樂團 | - | A7M06-00691 |
6 | 東可爾大喇嘛 | —> | Donkir,the Grand Lama | Matouqin solo | LI Bo、伴奏:上海室內交響樂團 | - | A7M06-00692 |
6 | 鄂爾多斯之春 | —> | The Spring of Erdos | Matouqin solo | LI Bo、伴奏:上海室內交響樂團 | - | A7M06-00695 |
7 | 呼倫貝爾我的家 | —> | My Home is on the Hulunbeir Prairie | Matouqin solo | LI Bo、伴奏:上海室內交響樂團 | - | A7M07-00694 |
7 | 茅草屋里的歌聲 | —> | Song from Thatched Cottage | Xi-Qin Solo | SONG Fei | - | A7M07-00935 |
4 | 寒鴉戲水 | —> | Ospreys Sporting with Water | Yehu solo | GUO Ying | - | A7Y04-01896 |
4 | 禪院鐘聲 | —> | Toll from Temple | Yehu solo | GAN Shang-shi | - | A7Y04-01897 |
7 | 絲絲淚、三疊愁 | —> | Tears and Triple Sadness | Yehu solo | YU Qi-wei、伴奏:廣東民族樂團、指揮:施明新 | - | A7Y07-00743 |
3 | 草原上 | —> | On the Grassland | Zhonghu solo | LIU Ming-yuan、伴奏:中國音樂學院民族樂隊 | LIU Ming-yuan | A7Z03-00132 |
3 | 憶秦娥 | —> | Lady of the Qin Dynasty | Zhonghu solo | MA Xiaohui、阮伴奏:魏國范 | - | A7Z03-00321 |
3 | 草原上 | —> | On the Prairie | Zhonghu solo | SONG Fei | - | A7Z03-00941 |
3 | 草原上 | —> | On the Prairie | Zhonghu solo | LIU Chang-fu | - | A7Z03-01513 |
4 | 塞外情思 | —> | Thoughts beyond the Frontiers | Zhonghu solo | LIU Chang-fu、The Chinese Orchestra of Central Conservatory of Music、WANG Pu-jian | - | A7Z04-00378 |
4 | 塞外情思 | —> | Feelings beyond the Frontier | Zhonghu solo | ZHAO Ge | - | A7Z04-01529 |
9 | 中胡協奏曲《蘇武》榮歸 | —> | Zhonghu Concerto : “SU WU” , Glorious Return | Zhonghu solo | LIU Chang-fu、The Chinese Orchestra of Central Conservatory of Music、WANG Pu-jian | - | A7Z09-00383-10 |
9 | 中胡協奏曲《蘇武》風雪 | —> | Zhonghu Concerto : “SU WU” , Snowstorm | Zhonghu solo | LIU Chang-fu、The Chinese Orchestra of Central Conservatory of Music、WANG Pu-jian | - | A7Z09-00383-8 |
9 | 中胡協奏曲《蘇武》思鄉 | —> | Zhonghu Concerto : “SU WU” , Homesickness | Zhonghu solo | LIU Chang-fu、The Chinese Orchestra of Central Conservatory of Music、WANG Pu-jian | - | A7Z09-00383-9 |