中國民族音樂資料館 Chinese Music Archive

小合奏視頻樂曲庫 – Ensemble Video Music Archive

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2. From the table below, Click the Chinese title to listen/watch the music. Click" →" or highlighted name to see more information about the music and performers.
字數曲目Programme NotesTitlePlay FormPerformerOther InformationSong Coding
3黑眼睛—>Dark Eyesensembleby the Oriental Angels and Ron Korb-VA203-V0006
4漁舟唱晚—>Evening Song in the Fishing Boatensemble Oriental Angels Ensemble (二胡 馬向華 古箏 常靜 簫 李曉潔 揚琴 王瓏 琵琶 李佳)- VA204-V0003
4天涯歌女—>A Wandering Female Singer ensembleOriental Angels Ensemble-VA204-V0005
5春江花月夜—>Moonlight over the River in SpringensembleLUI Pui-yuen(琵琶)張維良(簫)譚耀宗(二胡)吳曉紅(古箏)擊樂(鄭偉滔)-VA205-V0002
4雨打芭蕉—>Rain Drops on the Plantain Cantonese Musicled by JIANG Ke-mei (Gaohu)Cantonese MusicVA2G4-V0004
3歡樂歌—>Song of HappinessJiangnan musicled by LU Chun-lingJiangnan musicVA2J3-V0001
3花間蝶—>Butterfly in the Flower ShrubCantonese MusicYU Qi-wei & His Cantonese Music Ensemble-VAG03-01574
3昭君怨—>Sorrow of Wang Zhao=junCantonese MusicYU Qi-wei & His Cantonese Music Ensemble-VAG03-01578
3連環扣—>Music chainsCantonese MusicYU Qi-wei & His Cantonese Music Ensemble-VAG03-01579
3雙聲恨—>Double WoeCantonese MusicYU Qi-wei & His Cantonese Music Ensemble古典VAG03-01580
3鳥投林—>Birds in the ForestCantonese MusicYU Qi-wei & His Cantonese Music Ensemble-VAG03-01584
3旱天雷—>Thunder in a Sunny DayCantonese MusicYU Qi-wei & His Cantonese Music Ensemble-VAG03-01586
4柳浪聞鶯—>Oriole Sings in West LakeCantonese MusicYU Qi-wei & His Cantonese Music Ensemble-VAG04-01573
4雨打芭蕉—>Rain Drops on the PlantainCantonese MusicYU Qi-wei & His Cantonese Music Ensemble-VAG04-01575
4小調聯奏—>Group of Cantonese musicCantonese MusicYU Qi-wei & His Cantonese Music Ensemble-VAG04-01576
4娛樂昇平—>ProsperityCantonese MusicYU Qi-wei & His Cantonese Music Ensemble-VAG04-01577
4禪院鐘聲—>Toll from the TempleCantonese MusicYU Qi-wei & His Cantonese Music Ensemble-VAG04-01581
4春郊試馬—>Galloping in countryside in SpringCantonese MusicYU Qi-wei & His Cantonese Music Ensemble-VAG04-01587
9醒獅/步步高/驚濤—>Group of Cantonese musicCantonese MusicYU Qi-wei & His Cantonese Music Ensemble-VAG09-01585
2雲慶—>Yun QingJiangnan musicLU Chun-ling、中國國樂團Jiangnan musicVAJ02-01709
2行街—>Xing JieJiangnan musicLU Chun-ling、中國國樂團Jiangnan musicVAJ02-01713
3慢六板—>Slow Liu BanJiangnan musicLU Chun-ling、中國國樂團Jiangnan musicVAJ03-01711
3霓裳曲—>Song of Rainbows and FeathersJiangnan musicLU Chun-ling、中國國樂團Jiangnan musicVAJ03-01712
4中花六板—>Zhong Hua Liu BanJiangnan musicLU Chun-ling、中國國樂團Jiangnan musicVAJ04-01710
4四合如意—>Si he ru yiJiangnan musicLU Chun-ling、中國國樂團Jiangnan musicVAJ04-01714
5春江花月夜—>Moonlight over the River in SpringJiangnan musicLU Chun-ling、中國國樂團Jiangnan musicVAJ05-01715
4二泉映月—>Reflection of the Moon on Lake ErquanErhu and SaxphoneZUO Yi-weiZUO Yiwei、HU Jing-lu、XIA Fei-yun、Shanghai Fei-yun Chinese Orchestra-VAM04-01652
